i’m not around

listen to the man. who has a plan. from the very first day. until the very last. to destroy

Listen to the man

Who has a plan

From the very first day

Until the very last

To destroy


And anything that may be love

Walking away from you

Was the hardest thing

For me to do

When the fears

Are with me

Either way I go

It’s hard to know

What to do

When I’m right there

And Right here looking at you

when I’m in it

I can’t see


The thickness

Of your fog

You like to play around

With my heart

For fun


I only play for keeps

Still that bad feeling



I just can’t win

You know how to begin

So you can Just make it

And I can’t pretend

That it’s never you

And always me

Cause it’s not

Instead of picking me up

You’re dragging me down

until I’m not around

Until I’m not around

I’m not around

Nowhere to be found

Cause I’m not around


-kyoko cole

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